I tried using CFrame for the NPC humanoidrootpart but then the npc wouldn’t be able to use the :MoveTo function so I tried alignedorientation but I don’t know how to properly manipulate the angle to make it work.
Use CFrame.LookAt if you want it to face the player constantly
Could it be that you need to set “Archivable” to false?
(Above would also how I would do it)
Sorry for bumping this 5 months later. I haven’t found much documentation or any answers on how to solve this. However I found that this can be achieved through BodyGyro
local bodyGyro = Instance.new("BodyGyro")
bodyGyro.MaxTorque = Vector3.new(0, 10000, 0)
bodyGyro.P = 10000
bodyGyro.Parent = hrp
while true do
local target = game.Players:GetPlayers()[1] and game.Players:GetPlayers()[1].Character
local __targetRP = target and target:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
if __targetRP then
local lookDirection = (__targetRP.Position - hrp.Position).Unit
local targetCFrame = CFrame.new(hrp.Position, hrp.Position + lookDirection)
bodyGyro.CFrame = targetCFrame
-- If the target is not found, reset BodyGyro to prevent jitter
bodyGyro.CFrame = CFrame.new() -- hrp.CFrame
its not perfect but it’s the best method ive found
I do this easily with AlignOrientation. You can use either the OneAttachment mode or the TwoAttachment one. Implementation will be slightly different but, I personally use OneAttachment and update the CFrame with a CFrame.lookAt towards the target to utilize pivot over another attachment. The most important thing to do is set AlignType to PrimaryAxisParallel so it only rotates about the Y-Axis. Also disable AutoRotate under your Humanoid. Hope this helps.