How to make one instance/object below another in explorer?

Hey there! So basically I need a team below another team in explorer :
So I want the “Rapid Response Team” below the “Intelligence Agency” In the explorer.
How do I do it?

This is also related to ordering the leaderstats. You can’t do it, it’s ordered automatically.

Everything in the Explorer window is ordered under a Parent object by its ‘class’ and then ordered alphabetically.

Why is it important for their placement in the Explorer window? If it’s for placement in a GUI or something similar you may need to script the order instead of relying on its placement order in the Explorer window.

If it’s absolutely necessary then you may have to find a way to name your teams with numbers or letters ahead of their names like:
A O5 Command
B Site Director
C Intelligence Agency
D Rapid Response Team
or put numbers instead of letters.