How to Make Part Follow Ray and Not Clip?

I am making a mechanic where players can “hold” parts (part hovers in front of player) I can’t figure out how to…

  1. Ensure the part doesn’t phase through other parts
  2. Get the part to push other parts

ray.Position puts the center of the part onto the surface of another, clipping it. Thus, it cannot push other parts.

You can simply weld the part to the player’s HumanoidRootPart. That will help you.

Welded parts need not be attached.
It will be able to push any unanchored part similar to how any limb does.

I suggest doing something with CollisionGroups, maybe when the player holds the object, the object becomes part of the CollisionGroup of other held objects and only the held objects can collide each other.

How could I move the part towards the ray without using BasePart.Position?

I am creating a ray from the mouse, so the item can be “held” using the mouse and in third-person. Do you know of other solutions?

position the part at the end of the ray/destination.

Most of those systems for example lumber tycoon 2 seem to use a some sort of bodymover(mostly bodyposition) which manipulates network ownership to make the part seem smooth for the client but not for others. This means you will not have to worry about parts clipping.

I find it needs to be “initialized,” as it gets stuck often. Do you know away around this?