How to make part "roll" forward without wheels


I’m making a skateboarding game, but the skateboard’s wheels don’t actually rotate. This means the player doesn’t keep momentum while skating forward

What velocity should I use to make the skateboard look like it’s rolling forward?

You need to post your script here so we can know exactly how you are trying to do this.
Please copy/paste it here with 3 backticks (```) before and after the script so it formats correctly.

That’s half the issue, I’m not so sure where to start. I’m using HumanoidRootPart.Velocity. The velocity property has been deprecated and it’s still giving me issues regardless. Here is what I have currently:

uis.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, process)
	if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonA then
			repeat hrp.Velocity = hrp.CFrame.lookVector * 25 task.wait(0.2) until PushLeftTrack.IsPlaying == false
			-- Increases HumanoidRootPart's velocity until the AnimationTrack called "PushLeftTrack" stops

This short video shows the issue I’m running into right now. Since the board doesn’t actually have wheels, it’s basically just a part scraping against the ground and velocity doesn’t do much unless you’re in the air.

Messing with a Humanoid physics can be a bit complex.
I searched ‘skateboard script’ here and got quite a few posts about it.

You should also change your topic title. I read it more like ‘How to make a player do forward rolls’.

You can also try messing with the skateboard Part’s Friction and Massless properties to see if that affects how it works.

Skateboard scripts would probably work, but I’m wanting to make my own so I can understand how it works instead of taking someone else’s. Also, I want my script to be compatible with controller instead of keyboard and mouse.

I messed with the friction and massless properties, but the skateboard moves in the same direction even after I turn. That’s why I was looking for help with LineVelocity, VectorForce, or whatever is best to use in this case.

Even with massless enabled and the parts frictionless, the board doesn’t roll very far.

Unfortunately I’m no pro with this kind of thing.
I’d suggest looking at other people’s scripts to see how they did it, and using their working scripts to understand exactly how to do it.
You can then fine-tune that knowledge into your own script.