How to make particle effects "show up right away."

Hello, how would I make particle effects “show up right away?” Basically, when a player uses their ability, there are particle effects. The problem is, it takes some time. for them to fade in to see it all visibly. How would I fix this?

How are you scripting this? Could it be a delay in when you’re Enabling the emitter? Please Copy/Paste the script here so we can see how you’re doing it and remember to put 3 backticks (```) before and after the script so it formats correctly here.

Is the ParticleEmitter Speed pretty slow and the particles just take a while to get to the end of their path?

Do you have the particles Transparency closer to 1 at the beginning of their path and closer to 0 at the end?

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The delay happens because of low rate or speed setting in particle emitter.

What I do to fix this issue:

  1. Set Rate setting to a high number such as 100-300+
  2. You will notice that it “spams” the effect too often, to solve this change the TimeScale setting to a low value such as 0.5 or lower
  3. If needed adjust Speed setting as increased Rate and TimeScale will mess up the effect speed

This is it. The particles take awhile to form, and I don’t know how to fix it.

I tried playing around with this, but it didn’t work.

Try making the Particles Transparent, but have them Enabled if the player is about to use them. Then if you change the Tranparency suddenly they should appear.

(Clicked solution by accident, sorry)

I tried doing that, but now it says that transparency does not exist in the particle emitter. Code:

for _, child in pairs(vfxx:GetChildren()) do
				child.Parent = hrp
				if child.Name ~= "Attachment" then
					child.Enabled = true
					child.Tranparency = 1 
					child.Transparency = 0

If there are other children of the hrp it’s probably going to find something other than the ParticleEmitter that’s not named Attachment.
Just search for the ParticleEmitter where it should be, not by going through all the children to find one named ParticleEmitter.

If the Emitter is a direct child of hrp just use hrp.ParticleEmitter.Transparency.

instead of child.Name ~= "Attachment" you should do child:IsA("ParticleEmitter") like @Scottifly said,

and what is the reason to make it transparent and then opaque

child.Enabled = true
child.Tranparency = 1 
child.Transparency = 0

I did this, and it’s still saying “Tranparency is not a valid member of ParticleEmitter”

@Scottifly told me that it’ll make the effects spawn in right away.

Use Emit.

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@NodeSupport The problem is the particles are slow. Emit won’t make them faster.

I didn’t say it’d make it happen that way.
What I said was to have the ParticleEmitter emitting all the time (Enabled = true) but have them transparent and then when you want the particles to show up change them to opaque. You couldn’t have a NumberSequence though, it’d have to be 0 (visible) or 1 (transparent).

Maybe don’t make them emit all the time, but only in areas the ability would be needed, or when the player is close to opponents.

missing an S
