The title says it all. So Basically I am working on a MineCraft style game, but whenever my terrain generator generates terrain (The terrain is made out of parts) it wont disappear. Even if the player walks way to far away from it, or streaming enabled is on. Is this a bug? Or is it intended? If it is intended then could someone show me how to make my own ‘streaming-enabled’ system?
If you need the code to this project, let me know in this ‘Help Thread’ or message me.
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This is intended when it comes to network streaming. Objects will be removed depending on the hardware capabilities, but ultimately I would not depend on this if you want to be 100% sure parts will be removed past a certain distance.
What may work well is using Region3. Every few seconds, you could create regions that extend outwards from the character and start a certain distance from the character’s position. Then using the FindPartsInRegion3 method, you can destroy those parts within the region since they are outside of the max display distance.
I am not fully sure how well the system I explained above would work. Another method such as checking the magnitude of the distance between the player and part may be easier for you to do. Ultimately, you’ll have to experiment with different methods to see which is the most efficient and most feasible to use in your project
Thanks @UnderMyWheel :D! I really appreciate your help.
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