How to make parts stop bouncing?

I have been working on a mini project of mine which is pretty similar to geometry dash and it has been going pretty good so far, however I have encountered a problem which is the bouncing after the part jumps. I have been using body force to make it jump, and have put the elasticity of the part to 0 but it still bounces


A video of the problem:

Maybe you could anchor and then unanchor the part right after it lands, to stop bouncing.

cube.Anchored = true
cube.Anchored = false

I’m not sure how well that would work, but give it a try.

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Refer to this, this should help:

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ty for the solution :wink: (char limit)

thank you for the help, but AC_Starmarine gave a solution already :smiley:

Okay. Your game looks interesting, nice job!

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Did not work for me, I set density to 100 and it works.