Hello, I’ve been wondering how I can make it so once the block is in the Water is floats on the water (above) like it’s the player swiming.
Any help would be loved!
I suppose, you can do unanchor the model and toggle massless.
Hmmmm ill be sure to try this Thanks tho
Yes, all you have to do is unanchor it, although it won’t move with a current or anything. It only floats on the surface.
see im trying to make something like a sail boat
Would it be drivable by a player? Or would it just be running along the stream/river?
Drivable by the player, that’s what im hoping
Right then, I would suggest checking out this link for more information, I read through it and it seems to have what you need!
The idea is to keep the parts’ mass low in order to float or else it’ll submerge in water. Perhaps turning things on massless would be ideal.
Thank you
ill be sure to use this
I don’t think you can move blocks around when it’s massless
You need all parts (that are supposed to float) to be unanchored; and all this would automatically work.
Btw, this question has been asked before so kindly read this:
But the problem is balance.
I have a curved button not flat.
and this happens
What you can do is that you make the ship completely massless and then weld an invisible part right below
That’s very smart wow ill be sure to try that
Maybe you can add this code to your boat’s primary part.
while true do
script.Parent.Orientation = Vector3.new(0, 0, 0)
did you try making the sails and mast massless and the bottom ridge denser?(sorry for the bump)