I’m trying to work on making players spawn at different places but all at the same time (since I am reserving a server for groups of players).
I’m not sure how to approach or do it, I was thinking of when the player spawns in one of the locations, i would disable it quickly so another player spawns at another location but I feel that the players would spawn at the same time making this script not reliable for me.
I would like to add that you should use a pair loop to remove the spawn each time a player spawns. As mentioned, you will remove the spawn from the ‘Spawns’ table before spawning in the next player. Idk if you can add an event that will remove the spawn from the table using the CharacterAdded event to prevent more than one player spawning in the same location, but I would loop through just to be safe.
Although, if the player resets. They will be an error most likely because there will be no spawns. I would say to make the CharacterAdded function to Player.CharacterAdded:Once(function(Character)) if you have that issue.