Currently, the pets are facing inward towards the character. How would I make them face the same direction as the character? So far I have tried using LookVector but that had weird outcomes. Here is the code:
local Angle = Count * (FullCircle / PetTableLength)
local X, Z = getXAndZPositions(Angle, Settings.Radius + (PetTableLength / 2))
local Position = (HumanoidRootPart.CFrame *, YPoint, Z)).p
local LookAt = HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.LookVector
local TargetCFrame = CFrame.lookAt(Position, LookAt)
local NewCFrame = Pet.PrimaryPart.CFrame:Lerp(TargetCFrame, Settings.Responsivness)
lookAt with CFrame I believe makes the front face look towards the thing you want to be looked at, just put the face on the front of them model. If it’s set up in a different way where the model is rotated 90 degrees you could create an offset
Yes, it is possible to edit the cframe. My problem is that whenever I use the HumanoidRootPart LookVector with the CFrame.lookAt, the pet doesn’t face the player but instead faces one specific direction and doesn’t change afterwards.