How to make player camera like dis?

Hello! I have a question, is it possible to make the player camera like this?

credit: PontyPants
video link: Making Lots of Levels for my Indie Game - YouTube

Yes it is possible, I recommend learning more about how the camera works in workspace,
mainly you’re going to want to change the CameraType so that it doesn’t move vertically or horizontally, I believe its Track however I’m not sure as I’m not currently on studio, then you simply want to offset it suitably, I would achieve this effect personally by having a floating invisible part and setting it as the camera subject, This part would be off-set to an attachment which is a part of the characters HumanoidRootPart, then i would use the AllignPosition force to make this part trail the attatchment creating a drag type of effect. Then you want to make the part rotate based off the Character HRP cframe lookAt, you can achieve this via localscript renderstepped.