How to make player respawn in one spot?

Hi, so I’m trying to make a player that when they leave a vehicle (by clicking space bar / jumping out) to be respawned next to the car. However, at bear minimal, I just need to know how a player leaving a seat be reset above the seat or close to the car, not to a spawn pad.

Thanks, Axlas.

Player:LoadCharacter() --// Respawns Character

Once you have the position you want to place the character you can just set there HumanoidRootPart CFrame or Position

Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = Seat.CFrame +,5,0)
--// This should Set Player 5 studs above seat. Most likely (._.' ....
--// I will link resource below so you can look at how to make your own equation
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Perfect that worked! Do you know how to detect when a player has jumped from the seat so that can be activated?

Theres a property Seat.Occupant

You can use the solution from this post