How to make rotate system like in roblox studio

Hello there! I want to make a system of rotation parts, models etc. using keyboard. A simple rotation like
part.Orientation +,5,0)
wont rotate appearing on current rotate because sometimes using studio rotate system it changes 2 different axis for example 50,30,70 - 60,30,80 using only one axis.
So how can I make it?

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Do you mean a system alike F3X tools?

you could copy btools code and put in whatever you want if you connect it correctly

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If you want something like Studio, feel free to inspect the source yourself. The draggers are coded in Luau; the one I link may not be the correct one but you can browse the folder to check other ones.


* You need to find latest-studio-version yourself.


How should I open these files? I need to download luau?

yes thats just what he said okay