G’day y’all, I’ve been working with terrain and I’m wondering how you would go about creating sand dunes. The sand dunes are extremely sharp but curvy, and I can’t seem to replicate that with terrain.
I feel this will kinda tricky to do, but I’ve seen other people do so it’s definitely possible.
Thanks, any help is greatly appreciated.
You can create meshes for some dunes in other programs like blender if you want it to look a lot more realistic than the roblox terrain.
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Hmm, well it’s not really it being realistic but more the terrain being chunky. Is there a way to make it sharp?
I don’t believe you can change the way the terrain materials render.
Whelp, rip. There’s goes that idea. Gotta deal with this chunky as sand dune.
Use a heightmap that prints out the height of a realistic scene dune and then put that heightmap into terrain
take this desert heightmap for example
The brighter the patches means the higher the hill and the darker patches means lower terrain like little canyons
After that you can scale up your terrain and generate a big 16384studs3 terrain with this heightmap, hope it helps
Wowzer, does those scene dunes look sharp? Hehe, jk.
I’m sorry I haven’t done this before. How exactly?
oh and add a subdivision surface modifier
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I have to use blender, oh boi. I was really thinking of doing it in Studio.
It’s actually really easy, it should take just a couple minutes
Thanks, and all, but how do you do the curvy bits? Is there a modifier for that? It’ll end up triangle lookin?
The method I gave does it automatically. It won’t end up triangle looking
Alright thanks for your help. I’ll get working and hopefully show the results here. Hopefully it works
You can find tutorials about this on youtube if you get confused
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heres one video i found, basically convert heightmap into roblox terrain
Hey there,
I also created sand dunes using the plugin linked below. Ut’s relatively easy to use, do note that it costs 149 R$ to purchase!
You should try this plugin (it might get laggy in studio, but it doesn’t affect the in-game lag): Terrain Mesher - Roblox
Hope this helped!
Thanks, look pretty nice.
Sadly I’m…broke so y’know
Anyways, thanks for recommending that plugin!
It would be very difficult to do this in terrain by scratch. Terrain random generation has stuff like this but, if you want the edges to be nice and sharp just like the screenshot, meshes would be your best option.
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I have no experience in making sand dunes in studio or blender but I think this will help to make barchans.
You can make cresent shaped dunes and shape them out I guess.
Hope this helps.