How to make SCP Interaction Display

On minute 15:01 , You can see the interaction appears on a specific distance-range Between the player and the button, and also appears even when not looking at the button, basically behind , any ideas on how to do this?


What you can do is to convert the object’s XYZ position to XY screen positions.

local camera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
local proximity = nil -- Set this to a part that should have a interactive action

local vector = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(proximity.Position)
vector =, vector.Y) -- vector returns a Vector3 object, where Z is the depth.

Then, we clamp the vector variable, making the interactive action only be able to move in a smaller square.

local viewportSize = camera.ViewportSize

local padding =, 20) -- Change them to your liking

local minArea, maxArea = padding, - padding.X, viewportSize.Y - padding.Y)

vector =, minArea.X, maxArea.X), math.clamp(vector.Y, minArea.Y, maxArea.Y))

Then, we can position the interactive action to the vector variable.

action.Position = vector

The action button can also be disabled by checking if the vector variable goes way far beyond the viewport limit.

Note that your ScreenGui must have UI Insets ignored.

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This could work, Thank god i am using a imagelabel for this, But should i use a Billboard gui for a more accurate result ?, or should i keep it like this?, also how i could Reset it to his original position, As if nothing happened?, when the player looks back at the “object”
(i think i should had to specify this on the post aww man)

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You don’t have to forcefully script a BillboardUIs Position, which would be recommended, probably. I believe it appeared on the side of the screen for 0.1 seconds after turning because it was glitched, not because it was a feature. Though you’d have to do the Method above if you want that effect…