How to make screen corners glow effect?

How can i make corners glow effect like this white on image?


You could add a triangular textlabel / frame that is yellow to the corner of your screen (however you most likely will have to make a triangular image in an external program).

I don’t want to be rude but please do not make triangular image labels at the corners of the screen. That is needlessly complicated.

What nico’s nextbots is doing instead is probably much simpler: an image label that has a white vignette texture on it and an invisible background. You can make one pretty easily in a photo editing software and making a radial gradient, but here’s one I made a while ago.

White vignette textures are versatile becuz they can be recolored with ImageColor3. So if you wanted screen darkening you could just set its color to (0, 0, 0).


What free photo editing software would you recommend for this or GUI in general?

Personally I use google drawings because it’s free and simple to use, but it’s not really meant for professional ui work. It’s also what i used to make the radial gradient. You might want to use figma if you want to get into proper design.

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