How to make scrolling enable when more than three sessions are listed

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I am trying to make a server list for my Pixel Gun 3D remake game and I wanna make it so if there are multiple active sessions you can scroll without having it offset the size of server list contents.

I’ve tried getting the number of sessions and doing equations to perfectly display and offset it right so it doesn’t affect the size but failed.

The sessions button are being sized by Scale not Offset

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It’s possible, it’s something around the lines of:

  • Make sure the frame holding each session is a scroll frame
  • turn on automatic canvas sizing
  • insert 3 or more placeholder sessions to make sure it works (at least make sure a placeholder session is outside the visible frame area, and not shown) [make sure the regular autosizing property is set to none]

you’ll have to mess around with the properties and try it out.