How to make scrolling frame horizontal

the title explains it. How can i make a scrolling frame scroll horizontal instead of the default vertical? I tried changing scrolling direction from XY to X, but it just turned the scroll bar invisible. Any way to do this?

Change the CanvasSize of the ScrollingFrame, by default its always on (0, 0, 2, 0), the first two digits represent the X Axis, with the last two representing the Y Axis. So to make it horizontal, you would just swap the Y Axis with the X Axis, which would be (2, 0, 0, 0)

If the CanvasSize is too small for the ScrollingFrame’s size, the bar will disappear as it has “reached” the end of the page size.

Change the ScrollingBar’s CanvasSize to {2, 0},{2, 0} or something to your liking.