How to make shadows system like league of legens or dota 2

hello, i want to know how i can make shadows system like league of legens or dota 2

I think these shadows are like top down shooter
Any help or information would help me

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Shadows in the forest or shadows on the actual character?

in forest like screenshot, and if character go to shadow, the shadow will disperse

disperse like this

I would try to use the fog property in Lighting, set the maximum to 100-500 and change the fog colour to like a cyan blue. But for the shadows, I would probably make a bubble around the camera or the player and script it so all the colours that are not in the bubble are darker.

hmm, can u show simple code, how u can script it?

Nevermind, I scrapped that idea, You could instead use a spot light or a Point light,

For the spot light make it so it faces the cameras CFrame, But for the point light I made a script that parents a point light to the characters HumanoidRootPart, But if you have an external camera you can maybe parent the light to the part you use to move it. Anyway here’s what I wrote.

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Character = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait()

local PointLight ="PointLight")
PointLight.Parent = Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
PointLight.Brightness = 5
PointLight.Range = 15