How to make shop that save the tools you bought

Does anyone can teach me how to make a shop that save the tools you bought
i didnt publish my game cause thats the only thing i need to finish my game
(i can only save leaderstats but not tools)

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Those things are pretty similar aren’t they?

Let’s say you have a folder that stores all of the items that a player owns, you can then transform that folder of items into a string that you can save to your datastore the same as you would leaderstats, here’s an example:

toSave = {}
for _,item in pairs(player.Items:GetChildren()) do
	table.insert(toSave,#toSave+1,item.Name) -- Add theiItem's name to the table
itemsString = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode(toSave) -- Convert table to string

You can then utilize this when the player spawns in along the lines of:

local itemsString = dataStore:GetAsync() -- replace with the DataStore you saved the string to
local itemsTable = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONDecode(itemsString) -- Convert string to table

for _,item in pairs(itemsTable) do
	local stringVal ="StringValue") -- Create a new value and fill in the info
	stringVal.Name = item 
	stringVal.Parent = player.Items

its complicated for me cause im kinda bad at scripting but imma try to understand it

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No need for JSONEncode roblox already does that when you store your data in roblox datastores