How to make smooth plane camera

Hello, im trying to make an airplane and about halfway done but I’m stuck on the camera I don’t know how to make a separate camera that SMOOTHLY follows the plane I’ve tried using a camera part and vehicle seat but that’s all I could find everything else I have seen was meant for the player camera

This is the camera I’m going for don’t mind the plane I’m mainly trying to replicate the way the camera follows the plane and how moving the mouse rotates the camera

Also, I don’t want anybody to make a script just need to be pointed in the right direction on how to do it if it’s a video or just your opinion anything helps!


There’s basically two options for this:

  1. You can change the property of the local Camera, CameraSubject to a Part in the plane that you would like it to follow (Unnecessary if the Character if welded to the plane). Then you can mess around with Camera.CameraType to get it to behave as you want.
  2. You can implement your own camera controller. You would have to set the CameraType to Enum.CameraType.Scriptable in order for it to work correctly, but then you can just modify the CFrame property of the Camera in a function via the :BindToRenderStep() function of RunService.
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Hey, thanks for the answer but which method would you use? I can see how both would work but I want to know which is the easiest to work with thanks again

Easier way will be number 1 it’s more easier to understand and more helpful! You can use that.

Thank you im looking into it and it definetly seems the easiest

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