Hi @jeziskrista , @SomeFedoraGuy is correct but you didn’t modify right if its if you don’t know how to modify manually you can use try changing size to {1,0},{1,0}
if you don’t know how to do that you can use :
if i wanted to make a textLabel appear in the middle on ALL devices, here is how i would do it.
create a TextLabel (duh )
change the AnchorPoint property to (0.5, 0.5)
this sets the center of the TextLabel to the middle of it.
set the TextLabel’s position to (0.5, 0, 0.5, 0)
this is the center of the screen. halfway across, halfway down.
set the TextLabel size to (1, 0 1, 0). this is the ENTIRE screen. all the way across, all the way down. (you can tweak this, but your’s looks pretty big)
set the TextLabel’s TextScaled property to true, this allows the label to change the size of the text on different devices
and your set. but again, before posting on the dev forum, i suggest trying things yourself, looking at ROBLOX documentation, and looking at past dev forum topics before posting.