How would I make something happen in servers at the same time?
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So, this would help me make something happen for example UIchanging? This seems to be for messages for all servers.
MessagingService will send a message to every server of your game saying whatever you want. You can detect for the message, then have the UI change.
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Could you give an example of it being used?
So, Something Like this?
local MessagingService = game:GetService("MessagingService")
local ChangeGame = {
Game1 = 1,
Game2 = 2,
Game3 = 3
How would I receive the information?
Make the first parameter the topic.
MessagingService:PublishAsync("ChangingGame", ChangeGame[math.random(1,#ChangeGame)])
To receive the information you’ll have to use SubscribeAsync.
local Success, Connection = pcall(function()
return MessagingService:SubscribeAsync("ChangingGame", function(Game)
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So how would I receive the information that was sent?