so im a beginner and i tried some obby spawn set it does work as long as ur in the game and never leaves, here is what im trying to do, so i want a part that when a player touched it, it will be the players new spawn point, the thing is, i want that spawn point to be set even when u leave the game so that when the player joins the game again, he will spawn in that location
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You can try when a person leaves the game to save his data in the datastore (CFrame of the stage) and when he enters the game to load the CFrame to put the player’s position on what you have saved
local Checkpoint = workspace.Checkpoints:FindFirstChild(Player.leaderstats.Stage.Value)
if Checkpoint then
char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = Checkpoint.CFrame
Everything else you need to do is to save stage to DataStore when player leaves.
Note: you need to adjust this code for your game.