How to make strongest Anti-Cheat and makes your game more safe

for make the strongest anti-cheat for your Roblox game requires a multi-layered approach. Here’s a breakdown of key strategies to make your anti-cheat as strong as possible

Chapter 1: Create a strongest anti-cheat💪.

1. Client-Side Detection (First Line of Defense):desktop_computer:

:warning:Never trust Client

Since exploiters inject scripts into the client, you need to detect suspicious behavior locally before they affect the game.

A. Detect Memory & Script Injection

  • Use pcall() and getfenv() to detect unauthorized modifications to the Lua environment.
  • Monitor for unexpected changes in global variables (_G, shared).
  • Check for unusual function hooks (hookfunction, setreadonly, etc.).
local function isTampered(func)
    return not pcall(function() debug.getinfo(func) end)

B. Detect Suspicious Player Behavior

  • Speed/Teleport Detection: Compare player movement with expected velocity limits.
  • Fly/NoClip Detection: Ensure players are standing on valid parts using raycast.
  • Aimbot Detection: Track unnatural aim movements (e.g., snapping to head instantly).
  • Auto-Clicker Detection: Identify perfect timing patterns in rapid inputs.

C. Prevent Exploiters From Disabling Anti-Cheat

  • Hide anti-cheat scripts within multiple ModuleScripts.
  • Constantly check if anti-cheat scripts are still running (Heartbeat checks).
  • Implement redundancy—if one script is removed, another should re-enable it.

2. Server-Side Validation (Main Security Layer):robot:

Since exploiters can bypass client-side checks, the server should always verify critical game actions.

A. Validate Player Movement

  • Speed Checks: Ensure a player’s position doesn’t change faster than possible.
  • Teleport Validation: Allow teleports only in certain scenarios (e.g., using an in-game portal).

B. Secure RemoteEvents & RemoteFunctions

  • Never trust client data—exploiters can send fake requests.
  • Use sanity checks (e.g., validate damage values based on weapons).
  • Add cooldowns and rate limits to prevent spam attacks.
  • Check player ownership before allowing object modifications (e.g., building systems).

C. Detect & Punish Suspicious Players

  • Flag suspicious activity instead of instantly banning (to reduce false positives).
  • Use a scoring system where multiple violations trigger a ban.
  • Log exploits to a database and review flagged players.

3. Obfuscation & Security Measures

If your anti-cheat is too obvious, exploiters will reverse-engineer it.

  • Use multiple hidden scripts with different functions to make reverse-engineering harder.
  • Encrypt important values and obfuscate critical parts of your code.
  • Regularly update and modify detection methods so exploiters can’t create bypasses.

4. Use Zap instead of remotes roblox⚡

It is better to use zap instead of remote because the hacker can access the remote faster than you expect, unlike zap. I know that the hacker can access the modules script, but the matter will be complicated for them.

Zap | Zap

5. Check the server if anything is difference between client and server

The hacker will use a client-side and it will be different in the server-side. It is preferable to **check if there is anything different in the **client-side.

:lock: example:


ServerRemote.GetInformationData.SetCallback(function(Player: Player, Value: { Finding: string, Parent: Instance })
	local Object, Find = Value.Parent, Value.Finding -- Humanoid / "WalkSpeed"
	local success, Finding = pcall(function()
		return Object:FindFirstChild(Find) or Object[Find]
	if not success then
		Finding = false
	if typeof(Finding) == "Instance" then
		Finding = true
	ServerRemote.GetInformationBack:Fire(Player, ApplyStringType(Finding)) -- WalkSpeed = 16


local Skip= {


HumanoidRootPart.ChildAdded:Connect(function(child: Instance)
	if table.find(Skip, child.Name) or table.find(Skip, child.ClassName) then
	local Info = self:_ApplyChanges(HumanoidRootPart, child.Name)
	Info = (Info == "true" and true or false)
	if not Info then
		warn("why HumanoidRootPart have BodyPosition!, and it's only show in client-side?! 😨")

Chapter 2: Reduce the threat and copying in your game🛡️.

1. Turn SteamingEnabled On

With StreamingEnabled, only parts of the game near the player are loaded. This means SaveInstance() can’t steal the entire map at once.

If your game has secret areas, hidden assets, or special effects, they won’t lod for a player until needed, reducing the risk of theft.

Since StreamingEnabled limits client access, assets stored in ServerStorage or dynamically loaded from ReplicatedStorage are safer.


:x: Note:
StreamingEnabled does NOT protect everything

  • Exploiters can still dump whatever is streamed to them.
  • Scripts in ReplicatedStorage can still be read.

2. Hide Assets From ReplicatedStorage🕵️

Exploiters can dump ReplicatedStorage. Instead, use ServerStorage for sensitive assets:

:x: Don’t do this:

game.ReplicatedStorage.AssetsFolder -- This is visible to exploiters

:white_check_mark: Do this:

game.ServerStorage.AssetsFolder -- Hidden from clients

:pushpin: Only move assets to ReplicatedStorage when needed and delete them afterward.


A strong anti-cheat shouldn’t ruin the experience for legit players. Keep testing for false positives and refine your detection methods.

And keep in your mind while nothing is 100% safe, combining server-side security, anti-dump measures, and obfuscation makes it extremely difficult for exploiters to steal your game or hack your game.

Thank you for reading my tutorial :relaxed: :heartpulse:


is this AI? how would you hardware ban someone :thinking:


I used ai a little bit to illustrate some things because I had no idea what to write in the description, so search using ai to clarify the finest details for more informations

About codes, I wrote it in full, and thank you for making me notice this.


not a setting

this only works on the server

this video looks non FE

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i never mentioned anything related to zap, what do you mean?

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Yes, and you said to use private requires to circumvent this. Private requires can only be accessed from server scripts

Hardware ban works the same way your windows activation key does to recognize if it’s the same pc after you change any hardware in it.
Think of it like the UniqueID stuff has in Roblox studio (the insanely long, uneditable string all instances have)
Hardware has that very ID that I think cannot be read by conventional methods. If you change your motherboard or CPU, this hardware ID no longer matches and the windows key stops working (and you will have to get another one or reapply the old one, although I think the later won’t work)
Hardware ban is simmilar to IP ban. If a number matches, don’t let the player play. Easy. It’s just that instead of being network based, is device (and account) based.
Downside of IP ban is that other people in the same network won’t be able to play even if they are innocent.
Downside of hardware ban? Guess.
Also yes, it’s AI


Yeah, I was aware, but this is not possible on Roblox from what I know, that’s why I got confused for a second. However, most of the mistakes/inconsistencies with the post have been updated.

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It is possible. I got into developing because I made money selling exploits back in 2020.
After 2021 I stopped and went full into developing and when I heard about Byfron I wanted to test it and attempted to bypass it.

I got hardware banned.

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I meant it is not possible for developers to hardware ban players.

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And about the AI… I guess for as long as it is correct and informative, it’s not that bad :person_shrugging:

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Your image has temporary validity. I reposted it here for your convenience.


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