I’m trying to make a script where it will pick random disasters, I made it so the script won’t pick already chosen numbers. The script works but when everything on the table is already picked it won’t reset back. Here’s my script.
for i=1,#disasters do
local item = game.ReplicatedStorage:findFirstChild(disasters[i])
if item ~= nil then
item.Parent = nil
table.insert(items, item)
print(“No Disaster Was Found”)
function chooseDisaster()
return table.remove(items, math.random(1, #items))
I think a second list would be best for this. This way the first list is the options to chose from and the second is a copy of the list that you remove items from.
Heres an example.
-- Create Or Reset CheckList
function ResetCheckList()
local CheckList = {}
for i = 1 ,#disasters do
-- Pick new
function SelectDisaster()
local RandomDisaster = CheckList[Math,Random]
Checklist[RandomDisaster] = nil
return RandomDisaster
On a side note you should create the local variables outside of the function so it reuses the same variable as opposed to creating a new one every time.
Have 2 tables. 1 table with all the disasters and 1 with the current disasters. Then whenever you call a disaster, check if the second table is empty. If it is, then loop through the first table and insert the disasters into Table 2.
local Maps = workspace.Maps:GetChildren()
local ChosenMap = Maps[math.random(1,#Maps)]
I dont know what your doing so configure it