How to make teleporting screen like in DOORS?

Hi, does anyone knows how to make screen like in DOORS while teleporting to the main game? I need to know this lol

(The custom loading screen that will not show the 2nd place name and creator’s name while teleporting to it)

take a look at this documentary: Teleporting Between Places | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

I’m sure this will be helpful :slight_smile:

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local TeleportService = game:GetService("TeleportService")
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local LoadingScreen = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("LoadingGui") -- your loading gui (no animations)

local placeId = -- your place id here

local TeleportEvent = ReplicatedStorage.TeleportEvent


	local PlayerGui = player.PlayerGui
	local TempLoadingGui = LoadingScreen:Clone()
	TempLoadingGui.Parent = PlayerGui

	TeleportService:TeleportToPrivateServer(placeId,  TeleportService:ReserveServer(placeId), {player}, nil, nil, TempLoadingGui)


This should teleport the players in the table to a new reserved server (not joinable like doors). If you don’t want it reserved, just set the second parameter to nil.

Edit: this won’t work in Studio since teleportService isn’t allowed there


Thx, but what the other 2 nil’s doing?

The other nils are the name of the spawnlocation you want them to go to and the other one is any custom data you want to send

I don’t understand. Is it means that I should to put the CFrame from another game into the script and player will spawn on that CFrame?

No, I’m not really sure but I think it is the literal name of the spawn location instance.

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