is there a way of making smth like this
For those who are having a hard time knowing where to look, it’s at the bottom of the screen.
ya I’m pretty sure you needa script that. I would never really spend time on something like this so I have no idea how to make it but ig just change textlabel position.
Text label you can type into ye that new property they added to the text label
Jokes aside there should be a property that lets you scroll in textboxes or something otherwise you should script it
Edit: it seems it didn’t reply to op
I want for it to snap not scroll idk if you understand what I mean
Got itt!!
Create a Frame with the desired position and size, and make sure to set ClipsDescendants
to true.
Parent the TextBox to the frame and set these properties:
- {0, 0}, {0, 0}
- 0, 0
- {5, 0}, {1, 0} (The X scale is maximum overflows the textbox will do)
Afterwards, create a LocalScript (parent to textbox) with this code
local TextBox = script.Parent
local Frame = TextBox.Parent
if TextBox.TextBounds.X > Frame.AbsoluteSize.X * (1-TextBox.Position.X.Scale) then
TextBox.Position -= UDim2.fromScale(1,0)
elseif TextBox.TextBounds.X <= Frame.AbsoluteSize.X * -TextBox.Position.X.Scale then
TextBox.Position += UDim2.fromScale(1,0)
this gave me the right idea!, just need some modifications for my code and should work