- What do I want to achieve?
I want to make a TextLabel or ImageLabel shake using a module called CameraShaker. I mainly want the effect so I can make something similar to the death screen in Doors. (Video example below)
CameraShaker Module: Camera Shaker - Roblox
- What is the issue?
I don’t really know what I’m doing and how to make it work. Weather the developers of Doors used the CameraShaker module or not. I wish to replicate the shake effect.
- What have I tried so far?
--// Services //--
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
-- Getting the TextLabel
local textLabel = script.Parent
--// Camera Shake Module //--
local cameraShaker = require(ReplicatedStorage.CameraShaker)
local camShake = cameraShaker.new(Enum.RenderPriority.Camera.Value, function(shakeCf)
textLabel.Position = UDim2.new()
I get stuck here, because I don’t know how to multiply the TextLable’s Scale or Offset values correctly with “shakeCf”.