How to make the an object jump with player

how to make the bowl jump when the player (fish) jumps?
here’s a video

any help is appreciated, thanks!

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Maybe, weld the bowl to the fish when the player jumps and unweld it when they aren’t jumping?

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try using humanoid states. and then connect add LinearVelocity to bowl


	if new == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall and old == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Running then
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I think you can use userinputservice.jumprequest to detect when player jump and let bowl.assemblylinearvelocity +=,1,0) —Y Axis speed * fish.AssemblylinearVelocity.Y

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how? i dont know how to do that

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do what @lostresosostedyIII said

most optimal, probably

you can use Humanoid.StateChanged to weld and unweld the fishbowl based on humanoid state

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it doesn’t work, messes up everythig. is there any other way?

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i don’t th ink there’s a diffeerent way, you just probably did it incorrectly

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You could try using an AlignPosition on the Y axis. It migut be better than a weld.

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