How to make the character smoothly move (without animations)

Hello, I’m having a problem with a mechanic in my game right now, I want to be able to customize character movement. I can’t figure out a solid way to do this though, or a way that’s smooth enough.

Let me explain. I need to make a “skill” for the player, but the skill has an animation where they move around a lot (i.e. flying around, spinning). I can animate the actual body parts, but I don’t want to animate the movement. I want the movement to be scripted.

Say I had a “skill” where the player floated up in the air, moved back, and then pounced forward to attack. How would I script that movement smoothly? Now, I know, you’re probably just thinking “Tweens Den_vers, Tweens!”, but I want to use curves, and spins, and it’s not just position I’m looking for for the movement, I’m also looking for rotation.

The reason I’m doing this is because I want it to be highly customizable, unlike an animation, where I have to go in and either restart the whole thing, or edit it later, that’s time taking.


I need a highly customizable way to smoothly move the character’s position and rotation, and that can use curves.

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There is a lot of ways to do this. You can use BasePart.AssemblyLinearVelocity, BodyVelocity which is deprecated but still works, LinearVelocity and so on

I was looking for something that was more or less PHYSICS related, something entirely scripted. It’s what I specialize in.

I solved it, I just wrote an animation module that uses bezier curves, lerping, and time functions to create animation.

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