If you have ever player Fisch before you would know before catching a fish you have to press “SHAKE” a few times. I have tried to implement that, but I don’t know how to clone a textbutton once a textbutton has been clicked on.
In my game instead of SHAKE it is called RUMMAGE (yes very original, i know…)
The cloning button is called: RummageBTN
and the parent of that clone is called:RumageFrame
The name of that clone is called: “RummageButton”
And the position is a random X and Y number so it appears randomly on the player’s screen.
Also the RummageTime is how many times the user will have to press shake. So somehow implement that in to.
If you need any more information or questions ask me!
Thanks in advance!
Here is the script that I want you to add on to:
RumageFrame.Visible = true
RumageFrame.RummageButton.Visible = true
local RummageTime = math.random(7,12)