How to make the part face the direction of the LinearVelocity

  1. I Am making a stunning spell, There is a projectile, I Am trying to make the projectile face the LinearVelocity VectorVelocity.

  2. It does go to the right direction…

  3. I Did not find anything useful in the developer hub, Also, I Tried using lookout and it put the projectile in a different position I tried CFrame and positioning, but Nothing worked.

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

script.Parent["Shoot projectile all clients"].OnClientEvent:Connect(function(Direction: Vector3, Character: Model)
	local Projectile = game.ReplicatedStorage["Visual effects."].Projectile:Clone()
	Projectile.Parent = workspace
	for Index, Part in Projectile:GetChildren() do
		if Part:IsA("LinearVelocity") then
			Part.VectorVelocity = Direction * 100
	Projectile.Position = Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position +,0,-5)
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Have you used CFrame:lookAt()?

I Tried that, All what happen it does not exist anymore, Do get cloned, Nothing, Just disappear.

local Projectile = game.ReplicatedStorage["Visual effects."].Projectile:Clone()
	Projectile.Parent = workspace
	Projectile.Position = Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
	Projectile.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(Projectile.Position, Direction)

	for Index, Part in Projectile:GetChildren() do
		if Part:IsA("LinearVelocity") then
			Part.VectorVelocity = Direction * 100
	Projectile.Parent = workspace 
	script["Shoot projectile all clients"]:FireAllClients(Direction, Character)

The second argument of your CFrame.lookAt call is incorrect, because a direction is an offset, not a world position.

Try this code:

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

script.Parent["Shoot projectile all clients"].OnClientEvent:Connect(function(Direction: Vector3, Character: Model)
	local Projectile = game.ReplicatedStorage["Visual effects."].Projectile:Clone()

	Projectile.Parent = workspace
	for Index, Part in Projectile:GetChildren() do
		if Part:IsA("LinearVelocity") then
			Part.VectorVelocity = Direction * 100
	local Position = Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position +, 0, -5)
	Projectile.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(Position, Position + Direction)