How to make the player's screen change color to red

hello how do you say the title there is some property that can be changed on the screen or in any way ( i want that when the player presses a key then the screen changes color )
por favor dices me bien las indicaciones no quiero todo hecho solo que me digas mas o LESS como se hace

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This question is quite vague - what exactly should become red? You can’t just make the screen red, unless you have a frame covering the whole screen and set its colour to red…


Add a ColorCorrection object in Lighting and make its tint red.

Is this what you mean?


There must be no property that can be changed and also says indications and key points if I put a frame that covers the entire screen, it will not cover the arrival part of the screen

I don’t really know that, thank you very much man. I do it with a new instance and I destroy it when the script says or how do I do it? I know how to do it through the guide

Do you want the workspace to change to red, or do you want the screen to be a flat red colour - without seeing the workspace?

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Sorry, I don’t speak spanish.

If I understand you correctly: Yes, you would have to use“ColorCorrection”), make the TintColor red and parent it to Lighting. Then, destroy it when you don’t need a red screen anymore.

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in the same way, if the workspace is changed, there is also no problem

Then, doing what @FakieFakieFakie should be what you need, no?

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you can change the background color of a player’s screen by using the SetBackgroundColor method of the StarterGui object, which is a service that allows you to set the appearance of the player’s screen when they first join the game.

Here is an example of how you might use this method to change the background color to red when the player presses the “E” key:

local StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui")

local function onKeyPress(inputObject)
  if inputObject.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.E then
    StarterGui:SetBackgroundColor(, 0, 0))

game.ContextActionService:BindAction("ChangeColor", onKeyPress, false, Enum.KeyCode.E)

This script creates a function called onKeyPress that is called whenever the player presses the “E” key. Inside the function, it checks if the key that was pressed was the “E” key, and if it was, it sets the background color to red using the SetBackgroundColor method. The script then binds the onKeyPress function to the “E” key using the ContextActionService .

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thank you very much for the help but changing the workspace works better in my case thank you very much

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And another question, how would that only happen to one serious player with a local script?

Yes, you’d have to do that inside of a LocalScript. Then, only that player will have their screen changed to red.

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You can just put it in a local script…

local plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local redscreen ="ColorCorrectionEffect")
redscreen.Parent = game:GetService("Lighting")
redscreen.TintColor = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0)

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