How to make the wheels on this car spin?

Me and @nooneisback are trying to make a realistic car that includes: Suspension, driving, steering, etc… But I don’t know how to make the wheels rotate based of the velocity of the vehicle.

The reason I am posting a topic here instead of the building support section is because everything here is scripted. Basically I use scripts to simulate constraints (Other then welds). So for example, The suspension will be done in a script (Not spring constraint), prismatic constraint will be done with a script, etc… But this requires the wheels to be welded to each “Suspension-Thruster”
(There are 4 of them it requires 1 thruster per wheel) So that means that I will have to rotate the wheels by changing the Weld’s C0 or C1 properties. If I change the C0 it wont do anything, if I change the C1 the wheels will act strangely.

Here is the car for those interested:

Could I get help on this please?

Basically the chassis in itself is a hovercar with wheels that are scripted to look as if they are touching the ground.


Do the wheels start spinning around like on a stick when you change C1?

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Maybe try tweening the orientation of the wheels and set repeat in the TweenInfo to true.


That won’t work as the suspension and the wheel rotation is done on the same weld (as far as i remember)

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Here is what happens when I set the C1:

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Yep, that’s what I meant. Set the C0 value instead.

C0 = CFrame.Angles(spin,steer,0) + from center) -,maxspringlength-distancefromground-wheelradius,0)

A little edit.


What do I set ‘offset from center to’?

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What are the wheels welded to? The central part or something above them?


The wheels are welded the the thruster above them. For example:

The Back-Left wheel is welded to the Back-Left Thruster.

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In that case it’s:

C0 = CFrame.Angles(spin,steer,0) -,maxspringlength-distancefromground-wheelradius,0)


What is spin, steer supposed to be?

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Spin is the wheel rotation due to roll, steer is rotation because of steering.


So I can set spin to whatever I want? Can I set steer to the rotvelocity?

The wheel is not rotating yet lol.

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I mean, I guess. The spin depends on whether the wheel is motorized (the angular velocity doesn’t depend on the ground) or the vehicle’s speed if it’s on ground.

Steer will go from -1 to 1 multiplied by the max angle.

Set them both to 0 until you implement them.

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I get this error:

10:34:36.356 - Workspace.Car.ServerPhysics:73: bad argument #1 to ‘Angles’ (number expected, got Vector3)

Here is what I am doing:

whdyndata[2].Motor6D.C0 = CFrame.Angles(Car.Chassis.Velocity,Car.Steer.Value,0) -,sprlen-dist-whrad,0)

Firstly, you have to store last rotations to offset the rotation from the last rotation.

local newrotation = lastrotations[wheelnum]*Car.Chassis.Velocity.magnitude*dt/wheelradius
whdyndata[2].Motor6D.C0 = CFrame.Angles(newrotation,Car.Steer.Value,0) -,sprlen-dist-whrad,0)
lastrotations[wheelnum] = newrotation
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I will probably just use the system that the roblox jeep uses to position the wheels until I get better at C1’s, C0’s, CFrame.Angles, Etc…

I’m a little confused—if you were working on this together from the getgo, why are you posting on the forum to help each other?


Because I’m not able to use studio for the next half of month.

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