How to Make this Billboard GUI animated?

Hi there,

I was wondering how I could make a billboard GUI animated.

I want it to animate when a button is clicked, when it is clicked it animates the billboard gui to shrink. Then another billboard gui zooms in the same spot after one second has passed.


You can use TweenService to accomplish this.

But, I do not know how to use TweenService.
I’ve tried before and I just struggled.

Tis why I gave you the API reference. I’ll give you a sample code

local GUI = -- your gui
local frame = -- the frame
local button = -- le button
local TweenService = game:GetService('TweenService')
local TI = (0.5, Enum.EasingStyle.Quint, Enum.EasingDirection.Out) -- just and example

  -- gave those variables as examples you'll define them as needed.

local Size = {Size =} -- this will be the size that shrinks
local Size2 = {Size =} -- since you want another gui to zoom in this will be zooming in

local example = TweenService:Create(--gui object, -- tweeninfo, the size) -- This is how you set up the tweening. As you progress you can customize all the object you want to tween to your liking.


what do i do for tweeninfo

Exactly what it says. You put the Tweeninfo and the size.

Use the variables I defined for you.

(guiobject, TI, Size)

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I got it thanks! :slight_smile:

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