How would I make an animation UI for coins?
Basically the coins appear onscreen and then move over in a satisfying way to the coin icon which displays how many coins you have
How do i script this
How would I make an animation UI for coins?
Basically the coins appear onscreen and then move over in a satisfying way to the coin icon which displays how many coins you have
How do i script this
I am guessing there is a plugin for this sort of thing, particles as UI. I personally would love to know more about this type of thing, but I might have a way that could make something similar:
The main thing here is tweening, but you need to randomize some things to sell the look. Sorry if this was confusing. I haven’t done anything like this before and this is just how I might try to go about it.
Sorry for the necropost, but I’m wondering on how to create this too
It’s just math.random() and tweening.