How to make this controllable missile render beyond the StreamingRange?

I am currently working on a ship-launched ballistic missile system. However, an issue is, when the player controls the missile beyond the Streaming range, it pauses, as seen below:

I’ve tried to make the missile model’s streaming mode to be Persistent, and that did not work. I also parented the missile under the player’s character, but that does not work either.

How can I get my desired effect, infinite range, without turning off StreamingEnabled?

Maybe try putting the player camera cframe to the rocket cframe

If you watch the video, you can see I am already doing that.

Have you tried setting the model’s streaming mode to be PersistentPerPlayer?


Already made it Persistent overall, still no.

What ended up fixing this was making the PrimaryPart of the missile be the (temporary) PrimaryPart of the Character of the Player controlling it

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