How to make this cool cash effect

(18) How To Make A Cool Cash Effect Script In Roblox - YouTube

can someone explain this clearly to me as im confused. ^

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1st of all I think your in the wrong category 2nd of all if your asking what does the video mean well it means when you buy how to make it count up quickly animation on the money

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oops sorry what category would this be assigned to and thanks for explaining

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I think this should be resources then community resources

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but i need help with the scripting

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Doesn’t it say how to script it in the video and I’m not a scripter

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In the video, this effect is made with function for i = start, goal, increment do. Same script in the video:

local AmountToAdd = 50
local CashToAdd = 5
local YourMoney = NumberValue

for i = 1, AmountToAdd, CashToAdd do
    NumberValue.Value = NumberValue.Value + CashToAdd 

First number (1) start
Second number (AmountToAdd) where is end (AmountToAdd = 50, because you wrote it above.)
And Third number (CashToAdd) how much it will add (CashToAdd = 5, because you wrote it above.)

So if you add in the function print(i), it will print 10x number in the range of 1 to 50. Specifically this:


In the fuction is more this lines:

 NumberValue.Value = NumberValue.Value + CashToAdd 

First means that I add CashToAdd (5) to the money (NumberValue).
So if you have 10 money, and you add 5 then you will have 15. And this happens 10x because it’s in the function for. At the end you will have 10(start money) + 5 * 10.
The second is speed how fast fuction will be.

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