So im trying to make a sci-fi style health and stamina bar but im not so good at ui design, any tips on how to improve on this design that ive gotten started on?
There’s not really anything to add. It looks great overall but I guess you could add some Icons.
I’d use a shape other than just a rectangle for the bars, maybe use UICorners, to make it more interesting to look at. Perhaps a different font too for the HP too.
I think the HP bar should be less neon and both bars should be a little brighter at the left ends, but it depends on your game theme.
Simulate stuff with particles or fake simulations by using particles, or just make the color less bright.
It doesn’t look sci-fi, it looks like the generic 2017 roblox ui style
ik, but im trying to find a way to make it look sci-fi
Add UICorners, UIStrokes for the outlines and make the colors more futuristic (brighter, like a neon light!).
Zekton should be a good font for the HP.
does this look a little bit better?
Already alot better, the LineJoinMode on the UIStroke should either be set to bevel or round to look even better.
The thickness also seems a little off. It’s too much. Try something like 3-5.
Also, I wouldn’t use this tone of black, it seems a little too harsh. Perhaps use a lighter one, between 20|20|20 and 30|30|30.
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