How to make this team buff ability feel more "powerful"?

Hey everyone! I’m currently working on a FPS games with manual abilities and I’m looking for some feedback or ideas on how to make this ability, as well as how to make it feel more powerful!

In short the ability gives everyone who is in the circle (that is on your team) a walkspeed and damage boost, the circle lasts for 11 seconds.

Any feedback is welcome, thanks! :slight_smile:

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I think that if you want to make abilities feel powerful, you can add special effects.

Instead of being a yellow ring, maybe have effects like sparkles flowing from it, a better appear/disappear effect, or if someone is in the circle, an effect of them gaining the boost would be cool.


I was thinking like the person above, maybe like a aura around people in the circle as well as yourself?

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FOV changes, SFX, and minimizing the crosshair could help.


I was wondering if you could make the gun in the hand face forward more.

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Btw does the ability when a teammate leaves the circle have a cool down or would automatically stop. cause I think it might be a great addition

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I’d make it so when the ring appears have a particle ring that flies outward and meets the outer ring, making it feel like it’s emanating from you. (use velocityperpendicular) and fades out, as well as a minor screen shake when you shout that. And if you wanted to go all out, add a ring-shine to everyone effected by it.

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the rallying shout sounds awesome but add some activation glory sound at the start to really sell that powerful feeling

this got some escanor vibes ngl

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Some camera shake would be nice, along with a few more effects.

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Updated it a bit more, let me know what you think of the improvements!

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Outllook I think you should experiment on the amount of particles, as it might affect people sight when playing. But I like the change

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visually that’s really nice, i still think the sound lacks oomf

if you listen to abilities in games like Overwatch and League of Legends, you notice most sound is right in the beginning, and dims out quickly.
This helps to differentiate the sound and keep a clear environment, as well as make the ability sound powerful

Here’s a video of Genji’s kit (2min video), try to pay attention to sound

You notice 90% of sound is right in beginning, and 10% after.
Yours has like 30% in beginning, 30% in middle and 40% at the end. This doesnt mean its bad, sound design is subjective, but 10 players spamming that on top of each other makes things chaotic af

If you really want to keep the ending sound (so players see when it ends) I suggest amplifying the start-end sounds and lessening the middle duration sound effect

PS. the shout in the start is vocalgasm, its so good
PSPS. if you want a specific tip, when I said “start lacks oomf” I meant like, the starts need some bass sound or something to make it feel oomf. Imagine when Doom Slayer punches for example, its probably gonna make a shockwave or something

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Thanks! I’ll add a bit more “oomph” to the beginning and fade out the sparkling sound effects quickly!

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