I’m a complete newb when it comes to BodyMovers (which apparently are going to be deprecated) and Constraints.
After about three hours, I finally made what I want, but I include one BodyAngularVelocity in it.
How would I do this without the BodyAngularVelocity? I tried Torque, but no matter what I set the numbers to, it starts slow then spins really fast. LimitsEnabled just cuts off the angle, not the speed. Any guesses?
March 31, 2018, 4:32am
Does it have to rotate in a physics friendly manner?
What do you mean?
If what you’re saying is you want me to use a script, then no. I don’t want any scripts in this for a multitude of reasons.
March 31, 2018, 4:33am
Are you relying on that… thing… touching anything, or is it purely cosmetic?
As for scripts, can I ask why?
March 31, 2018, 4:35am
Hinge constraint with actuator type set to motor
The thing isn’t going to touch anything, no. It’s just a target for players to shoot at.
As for scripts, constraints are automatically built to interpolate correctly on the client. I don’t want a script for something normal physics can do.
Hinge constaints only rotate on the X axis, which only rotated my part around no matter how I would rotate it beforehand. (If any of that made sense)
March 31, 2018, 4:35am
Thats what localScripts are for. By animating on the client soley by code, i’d argue you have more bandwidth free for replicating things that matter. Don’t involve the server in aesthetics.
This thing isn’t just aesthetic. It needs to be shot at for something that’s also non-aesthetic to happen.
March 31, 2018, 4:37am
It didn’t
Also its just a matter of aligning the attachments to create the axis you want
Oh rotate the attachments, I was always rotating the part. I’ll look into this.
March 31, 2018, 4:38am
Create a serverside hitbox. You’ll run into replication inconsistency with such a subtle rotation.
A server side hitbox doesn’t work because the hitbox will still need to be rotated. If it didn’t, then the target itself doesn’t make sense.
March 31, 2018, 4:41am
Create a server hitbox spanning where the rotated object can ever be.
If you rotate it on the server, latency will make it unhittable unless the player predicts where it’ll be.
Doing that ruins the entire point of what I’m trying to make.
I’m trying to mess around with HingeConstraints, but can’t figure it out. Any good tutorials on it?
March 31, 2018, 4:52am
What I always do is separate out the parts that will be connected and select the constraint so I can see the axis that it will be rotating.
tbh I dont entirely understand how to set it. I just rotate in 90 degree increments… Check… rinse wash repeat.
How do you have that display? Mine looks like two yellow cylinders.
EDIT: HingeConstraint only seems to do one rotate around, instead of a loop like I want.