I am trying to do this
A gui that you can write things and when you click done.
The things you wrote on gui shows on the board
I am trying to do this
A gui that you can write things and when you click done.
The things you wrote on gui shows on the board
But this should be pretty easy (i think, research before you ask), what you need is a TextBox GUI with a normal Text- ImageButton GUI and if you press on the TextButton GUI then you get the Text from the TextBox (the text that you wrote on the TextBox GUI) and use this to show on a ImageLabel the same text. Ok, this is long, so what you need is something like this (I not am writing the whole script):
local Text
local TargetTextLabel = TextLabel --Your TextLabel
local Parent = script.Parent
Parent.Activated(function() --The Activated Event supports mobile devices
Text = TextBox.Text --Or something else, idk, research you self. You are getting the text you wrote
TargetTextLabel.Text = Text --And asign what you wrote on the TextLabel
But still remember you have select use a surfacegui, i not want to teach you how to make this. You still can research. Then, as all the other can see what you wrote, you need to filter your text via the Roblox text filter, as else you game will be terminated. Come back after you tried if it still is not working and show us your script, thanks for reading.
Your post is extremely vague and it seems you’re just asking for code without any examples of what you want to do. Although, I’ll throw my two cents in.
I would suggest using a TextBox, TextButton, and a RemoteEvent. These are the basic items to have the GUI work. Then, you can do something like this:
local Remote = YourRemotePath
local Send = script.Parent:WaitForChild("TextButton")
local Text = script.Parent:WaitForChild("TextBox")
You can then intake the text information and have it display on a SurfaceGui.
For the future make your titles descriptive, not just like ‘How to make?’ make it the subject of what you want to make so people understand.