How to make those classic lego like parts in roblox studio?

Hey everyone, I was thinking about making a game in the classic roblox style, and I was wondering how do you make those lego like textures on the parts? Like the baseplate for example. There doesn’t seem to be a texture for it or anything so I was just wondering how people make those types of parts in their own games. Anyone have any ideas?


I just found a way to get it but it isn’t as easy to do like just changing a texture so I wish there was an option for that. Basically what I just did is a duplicated the classic baseplate and just scaled it to a normal part and it kept that lego-like texture.

and you also can’t easily select the baseplate and/or those lego-like parts because when you just click them it doesn’t select it like other parts, you have to manually go to the workspace to select the part. That wouldn’t be ideal for making a game in that theme where most stuff is made out of that type of part.

oh wait I just fixed that it’s because the baseplate part is locked

OHHH I found the solution to all this:
there is a category in the properties tab called surface:
and you can select studs from there for the top surface to give it the lego-brick like look. Hope this helps anyone with the same enquiry as me.


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