How to make timer to do two different timers (not at the same time) and repeat forever

I made a script that displays the seconds left before a tram departs but after that countdown ends, I want the script to display the seconds remaining before the tram returns and I would like it to repeat the countdowns forever.

The image above shows the timer after the countdown ends and it doesn’t repeat or anything. Can someone help me with this?


Use while loop
Also please tell us the script you are using for tram countdown currently, so that we can help better.


I’ll give you a short example of what a script like that would look like.


-- feel free to customize the variables at your will
local depart_time = 10
local return_time = 20

local text_label -- insert text label for num

while wait(1) do
    if depart_time > 0 then
        depart_time = depart_time - 1
        text_label = tostring(depart_time)
    elseif return_time > 0 then
        return_time = return_time - 1
        text_label = tostring(return_time)
        depart_time = 10
        return_time = 20
        text_label = tostring(depart_time)

Sorry for late reply, I made this topic at night in my area and I had to sleep.
This is the script that I currently use:

local Seconds = 30

for i = 1,Seconds do
Seconds = Seconds - 1
script.Parent.SurfaceGui.TextLabel.Text = Seconds
if Seconds < 11 then

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Tried using the script but it somehow doesn’t work and I even tried changing stuff around to see if it works but no.


Why doesn’t it work? Was there an error, or did it just not work as intended?


It didn’t work for me at all. I’m not sure if I am doing something wrong.

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The problem is with your surface GUI then, could you show me how you structured it?

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This is how I structured it

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Silly me… try this.

-- feel free to customize the variables at your will
local depart_time = 10
local return_time = 20

local text_label -- insert text label for num

while wait(1) do
    if depart_time > 0 then
        depart_time = depart_time - 1
        text_label.Text = tostring(depart_time)
    elseif return_time > 0 then
        return_time = return_time - 1
        text_label.Text = tostring(return_time)
        depart_time = 10
        return_time = 20
        text_label.Text = tostring(depart_time)
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It’s the same exact script and it still doesn’t work for me at all.

local Seconds = 30

while task.wait() do
	for i = 1,Seconds do
		Seconds = Seconds - 1
		script.Parent.SurfaceGui.TextLabel.Text = Seconds
		if Seconds < 11 then

you can use this i think, also you can write true instead of task.wait(), but i wrote task.wait because i am allergic to while true do

It works but I want two different timers (not at the same time) and repeat forever.

What do you mean “two different timers” ?
Do you mean
Two timers that works differently each other?
If that is right, you can add a wait(seconds) before the while loop. so it delays the timer starting.