How to make timestop in jojo

How to maka a circle part appear under character and change the size to whatever I want and whoever touch the circle got timestop, any script or tips to help me do that?


I didn’t completly understand, you want to make the circle effect that grows out of the time stop user and shrinks back?

You need to do a loop (for) to check all parts in map and anchors it

You need to check that the part isnt the stand user to dont anchor, example

If you want a full script, show me your games explorer and say how the stands works in your game and I make a full script of it.

Yeah i want to make that effect

I try tweenservice it but idk how to do it

If you want to do the circle effect that grows and shrinks, simply use TweenService on a sphere.

Here’s an example that creates a ball and makes it grow to 50 studs.

local part ="Part", workspace)
part.Shape = "Ball"
part.Material = Enum.Material.Forcefield

local tweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
tweenService:Create(part,, {Size = 50}):Play()

If you want to freeze the players inside the time stop range, you can use a loop (but I wouldn’t recommand that as it’s a huge performance loss) or use Regions3 and everytime a character that isn’t the user, freeze him.

Here’s a page about TweenService if you need help.

Can I make if part.Touched enemy.walkspeed = 0 and jump = false?

This will be way easier to make

You can use .Touched. (though I wouldn’t use it as it’s easily exploitable)

Using WalkSpeed and JumpPower would work but it won’t be that clean. You can use a for i,v in pairs loop and freeze all the character in a whole.

for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
    local character = v.Character
    for i,b in pairs(character:GetDescendants()) do
        if b:IsA("MeshPart") or b:IsA("Part") then
            b.Anchored = true

Can I use for i ,v in pairs(map:GetChildren()) or something to anchor all?

How to create a script to freeze them?

That’s up to you to figure it out. We gave you the key elements, that should be enough.
When you come to the DevForum and ask for help, you do not ask for free scripts.

Can I use CFrame to freeze it?

Why use CFrame? That wouldn’t freeze them unless you loop their CFrame to a specific position but that’d be a huge performance loss.

Or Can I use bodygyro? To freeze?

Anchoring them makes them freeze completely, for example you could insert a frozen object/player into a table to get unanchored at the end of the Timestop.

Anchor what part? Humanoidrootpart?

I recommend anchoring everything

By doing

local chrmodel = CHRMODEL:GetDescendants()
for i=1, #chrmodel do
if chrmodel[i]:IsA("BasePart") then
chrmodel[i].Anchored = true
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local chrmodel = CHRMODEL:GetDescendants()
for i=1, #chrmodel do
if chrmodel[i]:IsA(“BasePart”) then
chrmodel[i].Anchored = true

if charmodel.Humanoid.Health <= 0 then
for i=1, #chrmodel do
if chrmodel[i]:IsA(“BasePart”) then
chrmodel[i].Anchored = false

So, the player doesn’t get anchored when it dies.