How to make tools stackable

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  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!

I want tools to be stackable

  1. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!

am unable to get tools to stack on each other

  1. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?

i looked on the Developer hub but did not find any way to fix it and on youtube

to put it simple i want all tools i add to my game to be stackable but so i can make some tools not stackable and by the way am using the core roblox inventory so no custom hotbar or anything

this is my first post so tell me if i posted in the wrong place.


Don’t think you can make stackable tools with the core hotbar since it isn’t made with stacking

so do i have to make a complete new inventory or can i like add stacking to the core hotbar?

Pretty sure you would have to remake the hot bar and script it with stacking since the Roblox one isn’t built for it.

Like I said the core hotbar cannot be modified. You might wanna make your own hotbar (tutorials on yt) to add stacking

well i kinda like the core one as its simple and clean would it be possible to make a new inventory look like the core one and work the same but with stacking?

The design is completely up to you. there’s no denying you need to make a new hotbar to add stacking, so take inspiration from the core bar if you wish. Not sure if you can copy the corebar design entirely since those scripts aren’t public

You could display the amount of items that you have by changing the name of the tool.
For example if you have 5 swords then you could name the tool “Sword [5]”.

is the hotbar and backpack like 2 diffrent things like if tools are stacked in the hotbar what happens if they go in backpack would they unstack

The hotbar shows the items that are in your backpack. When you equip a tool it goes to your character. If you have 3 shovels in your backpack it will show 3 stacked shovels in the hotbar

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is there like a template for the core inventory Gui so i can add a stacking system to it

The GUI for the backpack is made during runtime and you can find it in: C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Roblox\Versions\VERSION_NUMBER\ExtraContent\scripts\CoreScripts\Modules\BackpackScript.lua
Afaik there is no known remake of the GUI that’s for public use.

You’ll also have to disable the backpack GUI with some coreGui calls.

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would there be any side effects with roblox if i would copy that one to desktop?

Shouldn’t be (couldn’t find any info). I do recommend that you make your own inventory system and try to just replicate the original look because the original core backpack script is a mess which is almost 2k lines long.

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