Hey guys! If you ever wanted to make a picture of a character that you can use for dialog such as this:
Im going to to teach you guys how to make this!
First set up your green screen and place your character inside:
then take a closeup screenshot of your character:
for Mac users, open up pages application:

Then insert your image to pages and click the “image” tab(Make sure you have your image selected):
Now we are going to use instant alpha. This makes on color turn transparent and is very handy when using green screens
Then press instant alpha and click on the green color:
It should now look like this:
To make it look even better, you can click on the smaller green parts near the outline of the character, but im not going to do that right now.
Then you can click “done” and it should look like this:
Looks pretty good! But we’re not done quite yet.
our next step is to copy it and paste it into “notes”:

Then drag the image out of notes and into your window:

To get started, go to LunaPic.com Photo Editor Transparent Background tool and upload your file:
Then press the transparent button:
Now, press the color you want to turn transparent. In this case, press the green color:
Now we have to save the image. Press save image:
Then press PNG:

Now your done! just import it into Roblox and use it for whatever you like!
Heres an example of a game I’m making:
Hope y’all enjoyed this tutorial and give me some feedback
This is very long. You can simply do that using ViewportFrame
and Headshots.
Can’t you just use GetPlayerThumbnailAsync()
without having to go over that lengthy proccess?
Well this is for if you wanted to get pictures of dummys and stuff you make inside of Roblox Studio(Such as dogs or animals)
There’s an easier way of doing it that makes it transparent as well. Why go thru that whole process?
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Well what would be the easier way? This is just How I do it and is very easy(Long? yes, but not hard. Also note that I show how to do it on Mac and windows. Thats why its pretty long)
You can easily make a 15 lines script that does that whole process for you…
1. local Players = game:GetService("Players")
* local player = Players.LocalPlayer
* -- Fetch the thumbnail
2. local userId = player.UserId
3. local thumbType = Enum.ThumbnailType.HeadShot
4. local thumbSize = Enum.ThumbnailSize.Size420x420
5. local content, isReady = Players:GetUserThumbnailAsync(userId, thumbType, thumbSize)
* -- Set the ImageLabel's content to the user thumbnail
6. local imageLabel = script.Parent
7. imageLabel.Image = content
8. imageLabel.Size = UDim2.new(0, 420, 0, 420)
As I said before, this is not for getting players thumbnail. Its for getting transparent images of custom characters you make in game. Thats why I used a dummy in the tutorial. Also it would be impossible to use my method with players, as you have to do it manually
If you want to get custom characters made in game use Viewport Frame else if you want to get a player’s image use the script i just showed.
U can make it a function as well and use it multiple times.
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I know how to get a players image, this tutorial is NOT for that purpose. But on the note of the ViewPort frames, I will look into it and possibly change this tutorial
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Good tutorial overall for people that wants to go for the easier way. But for a practical way use Viewport Frames.
I use this method as I’ve never really used ViewPortFrames before, and this is pretty reliable in my opinion . Thanks for the feedback though, much appreciated!
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you can do remove.bg for removing the bg u wont even need the green parts
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