How to make UI for 1440p?

Okay, so I don’t know how to scale UI correctly for any device above 1080p. My UI all scales according to any resolution from 1080p and below using UIContraint Plugin but for some reason, the position and stuff of my UI changes for me due to my monitor being 1440p.

Does anyone know how to fix this? Ty

Studio 1080p example:

My 1440p example:

It also messes my menu screen.

1080p example:

My 1440 example (it resizes the UI):

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You don’t need to use any plugin?

Set the scale part of the size parameter instead of the offset, and it will always work for all displays

frame.Size =, 0, 0.5, 0)

where:, OffsetX, ScaleY, OffsetY)


Yeah they already are on scale. Also, it’s just a plugin that lets you convert it to scale because otherwise you’d be messing with the properties for 20 years getting the actual size

It just doesn’t work for my 1440p that’s all

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tbh, I can’t actually see any differences betwen 1080p and 1440p from the SS you provided. Only different I see is that the roblox icons are smaller on the 1440p thing

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Yeah there’s not much difference the main one you can notice is the ‘Pre-Alpha’ text in the top left. In 1440p it’s off to the right much more than it should and is annoying lol

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