So basically what you’d want to do is similar to what we had accomplished with the rest of the UI in the previous post, allowing for certain objects to dynamically shrink/grow with the rest of the frame.
To start off with we’ve already got our UIFlex inside of “leftContent” that’s basically allowing us to keep the X at a steady 300 Pixels while the “rightContent” takes up the remainder of the space.
What your wanting to do in this case is keep the content in the X at a steady scale while filling the remainder of the space with the scroll content.
In order to do that you’d want to separate the content into two sections, the steady portion and the dynamic. The steady is going to be your content at the top the empty frame and your title while the dynamic parts will be your scrollframe.
So this would be before just as reference

To get started with updating it you’d want to create a new frame inside of “leftContent” you can call it whatever but in this case we’ll call them “topContent” then you can rename the frame with the scrollingFrame “bottomContent” or leave it as whatever.
Next put your “title” and the frame above “title” into “topContent”
You should have something that looks like this now
(make sure to hide the background of topContent since its just a holder frame)

Now to get into the actual scaling of everything add a UIListLayout into “leftContent” and you’ll see some changes going on with the UI but trust the process.
Were now going to update the properties of the UIListLayout
We are setting the offset padding to 6 Pixels since we want the title and the scrollframe to appear as one.
Padding: (0, 6)
HorizontalFlex: Fill
VerticalFlex: Fill
After you’ve applied these properties you’ll see the bottomFrame is now properly maxing out at the bottom so lets take our focus back towards the topContent to fix some of the issues there.
Inside the topContent add a UIFlexItem this will do what we’ve got inside of “leftContent” where it constricts the size of it so we have control over it.
Update the “topContent” size to {1, 0},{0, 150} and if you scroll up in the properties tab the “AbsoluteSize” should be (300, 150)
Once you’ve gotten that done add another UIListLayout into the “topContent” with these properties again
We are setting the offset padding to 12 Pixels, this is the default we’ve set for the other ones as well.
Padding: (0, 12)
HorizontalFlex: Fill
VerticalFlex: Fill
Once you’ve got all that setup you can add a final UIFlexItem into the “Title” TextLabel to allow for us to control its size.
I’ve also updated the size of the “title” to {1, 0},{0, 30}

SettingsMenu.rbxm (10.9 KB)